
New Horizons Motorcycle Training and Tours

Combining Motorbike Touring with Training


November 2015

All quiet on the Northern front

Been a bit busy to do any rides apart from having shopping trips to town. Could have done with KES yesterday when Sally and I went to Swindon – never again go into town after Black Friday! What a waste of time – queue, queue, queue, queue!! Great fun!!!

And now, the wind is blowing. 50mp plus apparently so not much chance of going for a spin at the moment.

Never mind. Soon be Christmas!!




On the radio!

Will be on Swindon 105.5FM Tuesday 17 November at 10am (repeated Wednesday at 6pm). Listen either online, at Swindon 105.5FM or via the radio.

Talking about “winter driving/riding” with the RoADAR team and how to prepare for it; good timing really given the short days, leaves on the ground and probably cold conditions that could be in the way.

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